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10 films de sport et de fitness pour tuer l’ennui pendant le confinement

If there's ever been a time to catch up on your film culture, it's now. It's so important to stay home right now, you probably need to find ways to hold on. Many of you will also feel like you can't train properly or are looking for motivation to train. What better way to get motivated than watching the most legendary sports and fitness movies and documentaries?Here are some of our favorites and where you can watch them…


Fittest on Earth (Amazon, Netflix)Functional fitness has exploded in recent years. This documentary follows key athletes as they prepare for the event and then compete. Watch the best athletes in the world compete through 15 events over 5 days and let their courage and determination affect you. The suspense of who will be crowned the fittest on earth will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.Game Changers (Netflix)The doc of 2019 - if you missed it, here's your chance to catch up. Will watching Arnie and a record-holding strongman make you ditch meat and dairy in favor of plant-based living? It's time to decide if a vegan diet will help or hinder those muscle gains. You have time to weigh all the options, so why not?There's Only One Jimmy Grimble (Amazon)Do you miss football a lot? Get started on this soccer movie for ultimate wellness that will cure you for sure. There's nothing like a pair of magic football boots and some British humor to help you escape reality for an hour or two.The Dawn Wall (Netflix)The heights of this documentary will make you admire. Follow Tommy and Kevin as they climb El Capitan's Dawn Wall, a 900m climb in Yosemite National Park, California. This seemingly impossible challenge will make you admire their perseverance and bravery. It will also make your self-isolation easier. Eating, sleeping, climbing and all that hanging off a cliff for weeks seems pretty tense.Warrior (Netflix)An MMA movie with Tom Hardy? We love. Trained by his former alcoholic boxer father, his MMA debut pitted him against his estranged brother. If you like family drama mixed with awesome fight scenes, watch this movie. Will the fight reunite the family? You'll have to watch to find out.Icare (Netflix)With everyone staying at home, your life might lack some of the usual excitement and scandal. Well, not anymore. This Oscar-winning documentary will open you up to the shocking world of doping in sport. Prepare to be shocked by some athletes' disposition to win. If you're watching anything today, go on a quest with Bryan Fogel to uncover a massive international doping scandal that has rocked the sports community.The Most Beautiful Fight (Disney +, YouTube)Based on a true story, this film that lives and breathes team spirit is bound to make you cry. In 1971, a new African-American coach, played by Denzel Washington, works to join a high school football team. We love when sport brings us all together and this story is a testament to its success. You'll have to watch to find out.Rocky (Amazon, YouTube)

Si vous ne vous attendiez pas à ce que Rocky soit sur la liste, alors vous ne l’avez pas vu sérieusement. Avec tout ce temps libre, vous avez également le temps de regarder toute la saga. Si vous ne connaissez pas l'histoire, tout d'abord, où étiez-vous?! Dès 1976, l'histoire suit la carrière illustre de Rocky Balboa, un boxeur fictif. Il y a même des prolongations avec Creed, alors regardez-le parce que vous ne pouvez pas être fan de sport si vous ne l'avez pas vu.

Space Jam (YouTube, Google Play)Let's throw some nostalgia into the mix with this 90s classic. If you have all the kids at home, this one is also great to watch as a family. Crossing live action with Looney Tunes animation, this lighthearted comedy starring professional basketball player Michael Jordan will immediately take you back to your childhood and put a smile on your face. Who doesn't love a good cartoon?


The take home message

Whether you prefer a documentary or a cartoon/real-life mash-up, there's something for everyone in the world of sports cinema. Laugh, feel inspired or totally shocked without ever leaving your couch.
Evangeline Howarth
Evangeline Howarth Auteur et Éditrice

Evangeline pratique des sports en compétition depuis le plus jeune âge. En tant qu'instructrice qualifiée RYA de Dinghy, ell connait l'importance de la nutrition pour les sports extrêmes et les sports d'endurance, surtout grâce à son experience dans l'équipe GBR Squads et en tant que capitaine de l'équipe première de son université.

Durant son temps libre, Evangeline aime courir (surtout les marathons). Les week-ends, elle aime pratiquer des sports aquatiques ou partir en randonnée sur les colines Anglaises. Ses soirées préférées sont celles où elle peut partir sur une bonne séance de HIIT ou de sqauts à la salle avant de se préparer de bons plats épicés avec une tonne de légume – Miam!

Découvrez-en plus sur l'expérience d'Evie ici.

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